Welcome To Calvary In Minster, OH

We strive to build Christian Lives

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2025 Highlights

Teen Sunday School 9:30am

Teen Wednesday Program 7pm

Explorer's Club Wed 7pm 

Ladies Retreat - Fri & Sat, Feb 28 - Mar 1

Revival Mar 23 - 26

Sunday School: 9:30 AM

Sunday AM Service: 10:30 AM

Sunday PM Service: 6:00PM

Wednesday Service: 7:00PM

We exist to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and see lives built upon Him. Our keys to doing this are through committing lives to Christ, connecting to the Church, and having compassion on others.

We would love to hear from you. Feel free to give us a shout and connect with us.


Welcome to the internet ministry of Calvary Chapel Baptist Church we are delighted that you would visit with us. It is a privilege to be the Pastor at Calvary Chapel in Minster, OH. Calvary has a very strong and rich history in the community of Minster and we praise the Lord that He continues to work and bless in our church. The ministry is continuing to work with the people of our area to let them know about the wonderful relationship they can have with the Lord Jesus Christ. Take a look around to learn more about who we are, our mission and vision for Christ, as well as information about how you can get involved in any of our events and minstries. We welcome you to come visit our church! If you have any questions, I would love to connect with you. I can be contacted by clicking here!"

Pastor Robert Warnick


Building Christian Lives

Family Growth

Calvary is a Family of Believers in Christ. The Ministry is dedicated to bringing others to Jesus and helping them grow in their faith. Together we  join in worship and in fellowship one with another.

The Children's Ministry is all about Christ-centered teaching and helping them grow and be strong in their faith. We hope you will be joining us!

This is a designed to help those who are new in their faith, and have a desire to learn the fundamentals of Bible Truth.

Matt & Summer Rora

Teen Directors

Our mission is to lead teens to Christ, and to disciple them to grow in their faith.


Come and get involved!

Prayer Meeting

Join us for our Church-Wide Prayer Meeting every Sunday morning at 9am . This time of prayer is critical to the spiritual growth of the church and church families. We would love to have you with us as we pray!


All Services -  9:30AM, 10:30AM & 7PM

Wednesdays -  7PM 

We have a wonderful nursery available. A clean safe evironment that allows you to enjoy the service and fellowship with others knowing your children are being well cared for every service.

Infants - 3 year old children 

Call for Details - 419-628-3717

Join Us on Saturday's throughout the year to assemble John and Romans Bibles to be distributed throughout the entire world and in many languages. Click below for specific dates and times.